(503) 893-2889 |
New PatientsFirst VisitThe first dental visit to our Portland office should occur shortly after the first tooth erupts and no later than the child's first birthday. Beginning early may prevent extensive dental needs in a future, creating a strong foundation for prevention. At the first visit we will provide:
We want to make your child's first visit to our Portland office as pleasant as possible.We introduce your child to the instruments and procedures using language that is age appropriate and friendly. For example, rather than take radiographs we take pictures of the teeth. This way, a child feels comfortable and has a positive experience. Some of the terms we use:
Parents play a critical role in good home habits and nutrition. As integral members of the team, they are always welcome to accompany the child during cleanings and treatment. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment time at our Portland office in order to fill out all appropriate initial paperwork. This will help eliminate any delay and help us stay on time for your first appointment. Consider making a morning appointment when children tend to be rested and cooperative. New Patient FormsFor your convenience, we have a link to fill out our new patient forms online. Please click on the Patient Forms button for access to our patient portal where you will be able to fill out the new patient forms. Filling the forms out online through the patient portal will help your first appointment move quickly and smoothly. Book Recommendations for First Dental VisitBelow are a few book recommendations to introduce young children to the dentist. They can learn from familiar and friendly characters what to expect and how much fun the dentist can be! |